Citronella essential oil

Aadrea Citronella essential oil is derived from freshly cut or partially dried grasses, (Cymbopogon nardus (Rendal) “Ceylon type” and “Java type”, whose plant structure consists of a red pigmented stem. 

There is citronella odomos, as well, which is a potted plant, with fern-like leaves and also yields oil with similar chemical properties.


Citronella essential oil is a pale yellow to yellowish brown mobile liquid with a slightly sweet, floral, rosy or lemon- like scent. Its appearance is clear, sometimes opalescent. The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: Citronellal (30 – 40%), Geraniol (20 – 25%), Citronellol (9 – 14%), Limonene (2 – 5%), Cytronellyl acetate, Geranium acetate, Elemol, and others.

Indications (benefits from use of product):

Citronella essential oil is a herbal extract / product. Its appeal is majorly due to its insect repellent capability, household fumigant, fragrance agent in cosmetics, cleaning solvents, soaps and cosmetics, and as potential fungicide for in store crops and on-field crops.


Insect Repellent: Owing to its Citronellal and Geraniol content, Citronella essential oil is known to repel bugs such as mosquitoes and ants, for extended hours, especially when used in combination with other active agents such as vanillin (found in vanilla beans). This natural repellent has a mild smell and can be effectively applied through a diffuser/humidifier (5-10 drops in every 100 ml of distilled water) in a typical 360sq. ft room to provide up to 8 hours of repellent action against mosquitoes and other bugs.

Antifungal and Anti-inflammatory (wound healing) qualities: The antifungal activity of citronella essential oil against certain strains of fungi suspected to cause lung and sinus infections in people with weakened immune systems, has been evaluated and found to be positive. Up to 3 drops of oil applied in a diffuser (add 100 ml clean water).

Inhalation: When inhaled, citronella essential oil may have a relaxing effect on some people and a stimulating effect on others. Add 2-3 drops in handkerchief, place over nose and inhale.

Deodorising spaces with Diffuser/Humidifier: Apply 5-10 drops in diffuser of choice, you may also add with vinegar (10ml), mixed together with 100ml of clean water to generate the steam vapour.

Aromatherapy: Aadrea Citronella essential oil is used in aromatherapy, to support muscle relaxation. You can make a quick and easy refreshing tonic (and detoxifying) massages; blend by adding 5 drops of Citronella essential oil to 10mls of a preferred carrier oil (sesame or coconut oils) to boost immunity and circulation while soothing arthritic discomfort, back pain, abdominal cramps, and headache.

Cosmetic use: 2-3 drops in a regular shampoo would be of use in promoting softening strands and soothing the scalp.  Citronella essential oil can help treat dandruff, by attacking the bacteria or fungus that caused it, and relieve symptoms of flaking and itching of the scalp. Simply add a few drops to your shampoo or apply directly to the scalp.

Pet Controller: Citronella collar can be at least as effective for eliminating barking as an electronic collar, and it’s typically viewed more positively by dog owners. Citronella essential oil can be useful in keep dogs off of furniture.[i]

How to Use

Spray: A spray application may be good for freshening up a room or applying to your skin as an insect repellent. To make a citronella essential oil spray, add 10 citronella essential oil to 30ml of water in a glass spray bottle. Shake the bottle well before spraying. Because citronella essential oil has a shorter time span of effectiveness, you will need to reapply more often if you’re using it as an insect repellent.

Diffuser: As described in sections above

Massage oils and creams: Always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil before being applying to the skin. Dilute citronella essential oil in a carrier oil, like jojoba oil or coconut oil, as severally described in sections above. To make a cream or lotion, dilute citronella essential oil in an unscented cream or lotion, using a 1 to 2.5 percent dilution for normal skin (6 to 15 drops per 30ml), and a 0.5 to 1 percent dilution for sensitive skin (3 to 6 drops per 30ml).

Before Use:

The undiluted oil is unsafe to ingest orally. To minimize the risk of skin irritation, Citronella essential oil must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Pregnant and nursing women are particularly cautioned to avoid using the essential oil without medical guidance. A simple test (3 drops of oil mixed with a carrier oil) should involve a drop of the mixed oil on a non-sensitive part of skin and observed for any reaction, prior to use of the oil on rest of body.

Side effects and management in event of misuse/ingestion:

Possible side effects from use of Citronella essential oil include headaches or nausea from inhalation, and skin irritation or allergic reaction from topical use.

Use less than the recommended dilution when making massage oil blends for children and people with sensitive skin. Use only a 1% dilution, i.e. 6 drops to every 30 ml of carrier oil.


Additional information:

Aadrea Citronella essential oil is packaged in durable aluminum cans, amber bottles with a dropper, and amber dripper bottles. Alternative packaging and seals will be specified as they become available.

Essential oils are volatile and lose their potency when exposed for long periods to oxygen and direct sunlight. Store the oil in its original sealed container, in a cool and dark space.

Citations and References:


[i] Cats are known to be more sensitive to citronella essential oil than dogs, so it’s not recommended to use it around cats.

Shelf-life Information

Our essential oils have been made using an ideal and chemical neutral /free process of either steam distillation, cold press and supercritical extraction. The purity of the oils has been ensured by keeping the amount of hydration/water content and other elements at the lowest level. With this in mind, we are confident that the product will remain effective if you store it in its primary bottle/container, away from direct sunlight, excessive heat and minimize the periods the bottle is opened (during which the oil potentially gets exposed to oxygen).

Your essential oil should remain viable (with the full optimal potential to deliver the intended benefit) for an average of 36 months (3 years)*** from the date of its manufacture.

***Click here – to refer to Our Safety and Precautions page for more detailed information on essential oils and carrier oils safety and shelf life.